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The Power of Women in Building a Stronger Workforce

Bezzi & Mazzurana

In today's fast-paced and competitive business landscape, companies are grappling with talent shortages. Amid this challenging scenario, women can play a crucial role in bridging the talent gap. However, despite significant progress over the years, women continue to be underrepresented in top leadership positions. In this article, we delve into the reasons behind this gender imbalance and explore strategies for achieving gender equality in the workplace.


Throughout history, women have been forging their path in society and the workforce. While strides have been made, there is still a long way to go. A mere 5% of global CEO roles were held by women in 2020, indicating a significant disparity. Furthermore, gender equality is regressing in many parts of the world, with women's labor force participation declining in fast-growing, lower-income countries such as India and Nigeria.


As companies grapple with talent shortages, it is crucial to recognize the potential contribution that women can make to address this challenge. Regardless of cultural contexts, every country has an opportunity to tap into the talent of women and empower them. Understanding the similarities and differences between women and men at work is crucial for achieving gender parity and winning the war for talent.


While men and women may have similar motivations at work, they continue to experience different outcomes. Three meaningful imbalances can be observed: occupation selection, prioritization of flexibility, and workplace treatment.


Although there has been progress in balancing occupations, women remain underrepresented in higher-paying management and technical roles. This gender disparity is rooted in childhood expectations and societal biases that influence career choices. Creating awareness and challenging these biases is crucial to encouraging women to pursue careers in traditionally male-dominated fields.


Flexibility is a top priority for women, but societal expectations often restrict their ability to achieve a work-life balance. Women carry a disproportionately large share of unpaid work, hindering their career advancement. Offering flexible work arrangements that allow women to balance their personal and professional lives can help retain female talent and promote gender equality.


Conscious and unconscious biases in the workplace perpetuate differential treatment for women. From lack of sponsorship to biased promotion processes, women face numerous challenges. To address this, companies must elevate diverse role models, ensure equal access to sponsorship, promote allyship, and implement bias mitigation efforts throughout recruitment and promotion processes.


Instead of traditional linear career paths, future organizations can embrace a more flexible approach, allowing individuals to explore different roles and take on flexible work arrangements. By increasing the number of women in leadership roles and creating a culture of equity, organizations can reset value systems at all levels.


To proactively address gender imbalances and attract and retain top talent, leading firms should embrace the following imperatives:

  1. Tailor Approaches: Recognize the diverse needs of individual workers and tailor work arrangements accordingly to align passion and flexibility with career progression.

  2. Challenge Bias: Elevate diverse role models, ensure equal access to sponsorship, promote allyship, and embed bias mitigation efforts in recruiting and promotion processes.

  3. Localize Strategies: Tailor inclusion and gender parity initiatives to different markets to address local challenges and foster diversity.

  4. Encourage Transparency: Foster open conversations between employees and managers, regularly check in on employee inspiration and fulfillment, and create a culture of feedback.

  5. Embrace Cultural Change: Shift from traditional ladder-climbing to a "passport" approach that allows diverse career journeys, with on- and off-ramps and exploration of different roles.

In conclusion, achieving gender equality in the workplace is not only a matter of fairness and social justice but also a strategic imperative for companies seeking to attract and retain top talent. By acknowledging the disparities, challenging biases, promoting flexibility, and embracing cultural change, organizations can create an environment where women can thrive and contribute their full potential. Together, we can build a future where gender equality is the norm, and the war for talent is won through inclusivity and empowerment.

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